Field Study

Vitazyme on Lettuce – 2010-Los Banos, Lagune, The Philippines

According to the official report on the Philippine lettuce study,
“The different treatments influenced significantly the plant height, number and width of leaves, weight of plant, and yield of lettuce at harvest. The recommended rate of Vitazyme increased sig- nificantly the number of leaves, but the increment was higher with the conventional fertilizer. All treatments increased all parameters significantly over the control. The performance of Vitazyme in combination with 50% of the recommended rate of conventional fertilizer was significantly better than the performance of either Vitazyme alone or 50% of the recommended rate of conventional fertilizer, indicating a positive interaction between Vitazyme and 50% of the recommended rate of conventional fertilizer.
A much better positive interaction was noted between Vitazyme alone and the recommended rate of conventional fertilizer. However, for economic reasons it would be better to recommend to the farmers a combination of the recommended rate of Vitazyme with 50% the recommended rate of conventional fertilizer. This approach will definitely result in much higher cost savings. The new product, Vitazyme, may qualify for provisional registration by the Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority as long as it is applied together with conventional fertilizer at 50% of the recommended rate.”