Field Study

Vitazyme on Bananas – 2012, Guatemala

The researchers stated the following:
“1. Plants treated with Vitazyme in both treatments showed a better growth versus plants that did not receive treatment.
2. The plants that received the application of Vitazyme had a larger diameter [of stem] than the control.
3. Both treatments that received the application of Vitazyme had a larger diameter than the control.
4. In the variables leaf number, length, and width [of leaves] all treatments that received Vitazyme application gave better results than the untreated control.
5. The root system showed thicker roots in the Vitazyme treated plants. The use of Vitazyme in nursery plantain banana by two foliar sprayings at 0.5% v/v (1 liter/200 liters of water), 5 and 8 weeks from planting, is recommended.”