Field Study

Vitazyme on Cherries – 2011, Tinguiririca, Chile

A Bing cherry study in Chile revealed that Vitazyme, applied at 2 liters/ha twice shortly before fruit coloration, improved the coloration and maturity considerably over the MT 1375 treatment, enabling 20 to 23% more fruit to be harvested the first harvest. Fruit color was enhanced in both the red and dark mahogany categories, and the fruit without coloration were reduced significantly with Vitazyme. In addition, fruit firmness was enhanced by the product for these same two red categories, and sugar was maintained or increased, by up to 1.62 brix, with Vitazyme. The use of this product for cherries in Chile is seen to be a highly viable option. Because this was a study on fruit maturation and coloration, there was no yield data reported. Also, there was no absolute control having neither product applied.