Field Study

Vitazyme on Grapes – 2010, Santa Marta, Chile

This Chilean fresh grape trial, using 1.5 and 2.0 liters/ha of Vitazyme applied twice, revealed that the yield of first-picked grapes was increased by 25% and 33% by the 1.5 and 2.0 liters/ha rates, respectively, compared to the control. This allowed the farmer to sell more of his grapes at a higher price. Besides, the amount of refused fruit at the 1.5 liters/ha rate was reduced by 31%. According to Syngenta, “Vitazyme in doses of 1.5 and 2.0 L/ha were harvested earlier. This advance [in maturity] allowed a harvest of about 20% more fruit 10 days earlier.” The color of the fruit was also positively influenced by Vitazyme: both rates increased the percentage of the cream-green clusters, which sell for a much higher price than the gray-green, green, or amber fruit. Fruit sugar was not affected by any treatments in this study. These results confirm the great uility of Vitazyme to enhance grape yield, quality, and color in Chile.