Field Study

Vitazyme on Grapes – 2009, Chile

This table grape study in chile revealed that Vitazyme at 1.5 liters/ha, applied twice, once before and once after verasion, substantially increased grape brix (+0.33) and greatly enhanced the early maturation of the fruit. By February 15, 95.29% of the harvest was already collected with this treatment. In contrast, only 22.68% of the control grapes were harvested on January 19. The Vitazyme 1.0 liter/ha rate, applied twice, gave a small reduction in fruit brix, but enhanced maturity of the grapes substantially, to 86.49% of the total harvest by February 15. The 1.5 liter/ha Vitazyme rate significantly colored the grapes better than the control grapes. Vitazyme, especially at 1.5 liters/ha twice, has been shown by this study to be an excellent treatment for table grapes.