Field Study

Vitazyme on Wheat – 2008, Nairobi, Kenya

In this Kenyan study using various soil and foliar products, all soil applied products stimulat- ed yield, but to different degrees, and with considerable interaction with other products (which effects could not be interpretated due to a lack of replication). The interaction of soil applied products was highest, by far, with Twin N, and the lowest with Impact Ca, giving the following average yields:
Twin N (Treatments 3, 5, and 7): 1,620 kg/ha
Impact Ca (Treatments 4, 6, and 8): 1,288 kg/ha Increase with Twin N vs. Impact Ca: 322 kg/ha (+26%)
Vitazyme worked very well with Turbo-Seed and zinc to increase the yield by 25% with Twin N, and by 7% with Impact Ca. The highest average yield, however, was with Vitazyme alone with Twin N or impact Ca.