Field Study

Vitazyme on Bermudagrass – 2008, Stephenville, Texas

Fertilizer treatments significantly improved color and percentage cover visually, percentage cover by digital image analysis (DIA), shoot clipping biomass, and chlorophyll indices compared to treatments not containing fertilizer. Fertilized plots had higher quality ratings later into the growing season than non-fertilized plots. Vitazyme in combination with a complete fertilizer significantly improved color, percentage cover, and density of Princess 77 seeded bermudagrass. However, the effects of Vitazyme in combination with a complete fertilizer were not significantly different from fertilizer alone in many instances. Vitazyme at the label rate alone did not significantly increase root biomass compared to the nontreated and fertilizer alone; however, Vitazyme treatments had greater root biomass than the non-treated in the 2005 seeded Princess 77 bermudagrass and the 2006 established Princess 77 bermudagrass. Use of DIA did not show many significant differences between fertilizer in combination with Vitazyme and fertilizer alone when other methods could not.